A Valiant Prince Read online

Page 2

  “Fine,” we both choke out in obvious distaste for one another.

  “Now, if that’s settled. I’m exhausted. When will we know about Auntie Lara?” she asks.

  I shrug. “I imagine not for a while. Why don’t you get some sleep?” I suggest. She yawns and nods.

  Pete dims the lights and settles himself on a chair in the corner of the room. I close my eyes, and after a few moments, I feel myself begin to nod off, the adrenaline leaving my system and exhaustion settling in its place.

  Chapter Two

  The thing about waking up in a hospital is that it’s very disorienting. I squint in the harsh light of the fluorescence overhead. I look over to my left and see that Anna is still sleeping. I look toward the door and see that Pete is still sitting there. His gaze fixated on me.

  I sit up and stare back at him.

  “You could have gotten her killed with that stunt of yours,” he says to me.

  I sigh partly because I know he’s right.

  “I know,” I admit.

  “She’s reckless at times. You have to be firm with her. Make it seem like her idea, and she’ll go along with it,” he says.

  “I find it hard to believe that Anna would do anything that Anna doesn’t want to do,” I reply.

  Pete shrugs. “I’ve been her bodyguard for five years now, but I’ve known her for her entire life. I’m not just paid to protect her. I want to protect her. In my line of work, you seldom come across a client that is worthy of their station in life, but Anna, Princess Susanna, she is…worthy. She’s pure and good and the opposite of everything messed up in the world. She’s also a spitfire and stubborn as hell, but her heart is made of gold, and she’d give the shirt off her back to a person in need,” he says.

  “You know you aren’t telling me anything that I don’t already know,” I say to him.

  “Good, then if you love her as much as I think you love her, you will make protecting her your number one goal in life,” he says.

  “I plan to,” I say to him.

  “Good. Then, we’re clear. No more stupid stunts, and if she’s going to do one, you or I better be there with her,” he says. “She goes nowhere alone. Do you understand?”

  I nod. The explosion was a game changer. We are no longer safe even in our homes. I know this now. I know how high the stakes are, and I won’t ever be forgetting that again. I shudder at the memory of the beam falling on Anna. The split second of fear that I’d lost her. I make an oath to myself to never let her out of my sight again unless Pete or Lucas is with her.

  “Well, I think we can let bygones be bygones then,” he finishes.

  “Agreed,” I say.

  “I don’t envy you, you know?” he says.

  “Why’s that?” I ask.

  “Being royal…is tough. Your life is going to change in ways you could never anticipate. Just be ready,” he says.

  “It’s already changed,” I mutter. Pete stands and walks over to me. Sitting down with him standing over me, makes me realize that he’s not a force to be reckoned with, an imposing force not to be reckoned with.

  “I mean it. Pull strength from wherever you can get it because you just bought yourself a one-way pass on the wildest roller coaster you’ve ever seen, and there’s no way off it,” he says. We both pause as we hear Anna stirring next to us. Pete turns, and I lean around him.

  “You two aren’t still arguing, are you?” she murmurs.

  “No,” we both answer.

  She sits up and leans over to get a better look at us, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

  “We’re not. Everything is fine,” I say to her. I pick up my phone and check the time. I frown.

  “Has anyone come by while we were sleeping?” I ask Pete.

  He shakes his head. I take off the oxygen line wrapped around my face. “I’m going to check,” I say.

  “Are you sure you’re OK?” Pete asks.

  “I’m fine, really,” I say. “Stay here with Anna.”

  I squeeze her hand as I walk out of the room. The angry nurse from earlier sees me.

  “Mr. Winters, you need to stay put until Dr. Vanker can check back in on you,” she says.

  “I need to get information for Susanna,” I say, leaving off the princess part of her name. The one eyes me like I’m an enemy. “Please. She’s very worried about her aunt who was in surgery last I heard.”

  Something about Nurse Ratched softens at that statement. “Let me see if I can get you any information,” she says with a sigh.

  “I’d appreciate that. I want to check in on our families as well,” I say to her.

  She nods, and I walk down to the private waiting room that we were in earlier. I open the door and find Auggie, Chris, and Mia. Mia’s curled up in a ball, her head in Chris’s lap, and she’s fast asleep. Auggie is staring at a television in the corner of the room. His eyes are blank, and I can tell he has no idea what’s on TV. Chris looks up at me.

  “Any word?” I ask him. He shakes his head.

  “I have a room number for your father if you want to go see him. Lara is still in surgery. Uncle Hans is in a special waiting area up in the surgical unit. My father is up with your father. He was going to go check on Anna again in a bit. She was sleeping last time he stopped by to see her. I’m assuming she’s awake now?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yes. We both fell asleep for a bit.” I walk in and sit down across from him.

  “This is royally fucked up,” I say. “No pun intended.”

  “Yes, it is,” Chris agrees. Mia stirs on his lap, and I see his hand tighten over her. She snuggles against him, sighs in her sleep, and stills, her breathing evening out once again. I can’t help wondering when Chris and Mia are going to enlighten the rest of us about their love affair. It’s obvious to everyone. It seems silly for them to pretend.

  I put my head in my hands and run them through my hair. “The signal was coming from inside the palace,” I mumble into my hands.

  “What?” Auggie turns to me, finally acknowledging my presence.

  “Anna had just gone to check a search she had running. Apparently, a message popped up indicating that whoever was responsible for hiring an assassin to kill me was inside the palace. The blast happened before she could get back to me,” I explain.

  “What do you mean, inside the palace?” Chris says.

  “I mean, someone who was in the palace this morning is the person who has hired an assassin to kill me and most likely blew up your uncle’s plane, and also bombed the palace,” I say to him.

  “We don’t know what caused the explosion,” Auggie points out.

  I look at him. “You’re not serious, are you? It was a bomb blast,” I say to him.

  They both look at me like I’m an idiot. “My mother was a journalist. I once spent a week with her while she interviewed bomb experts at Quantico in Virginia,” I explain. “Not that that makes me an expert. But I can’t imagine anything except an explosive would cause the type of destruction I saw earlier.”

  Chris’s shoulders sag. “I know,” he says quietly. “I don’t want to believe it, but I agree.”

  “I don’t know who we can trust,” I admit.

  “Well, we need to let Victor know immediately. He’s heading up all the investigations,” Chris says.

  “Can we trust him?” I ask Chris. He frowns.

  “Yes…I…shit,” he curses. “You’re right. I don’t know who we can trust.”

  “We need to start systematically weeding people out of the suspects list,” I say to him.

  “Well, I assume you aren’t trying to murder yourself,” Chris says, eyeing me up.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence. No, I think I’m in the clear. Anna is the one who is trying to save me, so she’s clear. What about you three?” I ask.

  Chris sighs. “I…Mia…I was with Mia when the explosion occurred. We had just gotten off the phone with an events coordinator for a fundraiser that I’m scheduled to speak at next month,” Chris say

  Auggie looks at me. “I guess my online gaming buddies can vouch for me if need be,” Auggie says with a sigh.

  Chris gives him a look. “Seriously, Augs?” he says.

  Auggie shrugs. “What? I like to play online, so sue me,” he says. “It’s one place I can be whoever, and they have no idea.”

  Chris huffs. “Alright, so that’s five of us,” he says.

  “Our fathers?” I ask next.

  “Well, considering the bomb went off by their rooms, it seems unlikely they would be blowing themselves up,” Chris says.

  “True…” I say, trailing off as I think.

  “Lara…” Auggie doesn’t finish his sentence. Chris and I just both nod. No words need exchanging on whether Lara is our suspect.

  “So, that leaves everyone else,” Chris says.

  “How many staff were at the palace?” I ask.

  “Shit, I don’t know,” Chris says. “I mean on a given day, there could be anywhere from thirty to fifty staff on the grounds.”

  “Well, that’s a lot of people,” I say.

  “It’s less, with the lockdown and all. Probably closer to thirty, mostly security,” he says.

  “We need to do our own investigation. I don’t want Victor or any other security staff involved except Pete. He was with me at the time, so I know he’s OK,” I say.

  “Anna will want to be involved in this,” Chris says.

  “I know,” I answer. I look at Chris. “I’m not going to stop her.”

  “That’s very wise of you,” he notes.

  “We need her computer,” I say to him.

  “What?” he asks. “But she gave it to Victor.”

  “How do you—”

  “Dad’s office isn’t as soundproof as he thinks it is,” Auggie chimes in.

  “She gave a computer to Victor,” I correct.

  “Oh, where’s the other?” Chris asks.

  “A little closet room up on the third floor,” I say.

  Chris and Auggie exchange looks. “The butler’s pantry,” Chris says.

  “It’s really a storage room, now,” Auggie explains. “Damn, she is one sneaky little…” He trails off.

  “I’ll get it,” Chris says. “I’ll have Pete get it.”

  I nod. “I’ll let him know where it is,” I say. Chris nods.

  “Where will we go?” I ask them.

  “Probably to Uncle Hans and Auntie Lara’s country estate,” he says. “Unless we end up back at your father’s palace, but I think Dad will want to stay close to home.”

  “Shit, this is so fucked up,” Auggie says, running his hands through his hair, mimicking my earlier actions.

  “You guys look exhausted. Let me see if I can get you some beds here, just to sleep for a few hours,” I say to them.

  Chris laughs. “Uh, our family is the biggest donor to the hospital, I’m pretty sure we could get a wing if we wanted,” Chris says. I roll my eyes.

  “Sorry, Your Highness. I’m sure we can arrange that,” I say, bowing as I leave. Chris flicks me off, and I smirk.

  I run into Dr. Vanker in the hallway. “Any word on Lara?” I ask him.

  He shakes his head. “Not yet, I’m afraid,” he says.

  “How are you?” he asks.

  “I’m good. Is it possible to get some beds for the rest of us? Everyone needs some rest, and we certainly can’t go back to the palace,” I point out.

  Dr. Vanker nods. “Yes, I’ll have my staff find some rooms for your families. The royal physician, Dr. Lasson, is with Lara,” he says.

  “Thank you,” I reply as I hurry back to Anna.

  Anna’s sitting up in bed when I return. King Michael is perched on the edge of it. A nurse stands in the corner as does Pete and Victor.

  The king rises when I enter the room. There are tears in his eyes as he walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace.

  “Thank you, Logan. You saved my baby,” he says.

  I awkwardly hug him back as I’m not sure what the protocol is for hugging a king.

  “You’re welcome, Your Majesty,” I say as I pull back.

  He places a hand on my shoulder. “I think we are well past the point of formalities, my son. You may call me Michael,” he says.

  I nod, knowing that there is no fucking way I’m referring to a king as just “Michael.”

  “I just spoke with Dr. Vanker. He’s going to get rooms for everyone to stay the night here,” I say.

  “I have asked the same. I’m afraid we can’t go back to the palace. Hans has offered his estate, and Victor is having my security sweep it right now. Everyone…who is able, will go there tomorrow,” he says. I notice the pause before he says the last part.

  “Any word on your sister?” I ask him.

  He shakes his head. “She’s still in surgery,” he says quietly. “But Dr. Lasson isn’t just our physician, he’s one of our country’s best surgeons.”

  I nod again as I’m not quite sure what to say.

  Anna takes her father’s hand in hers. “She’s strong,” Anna says.

  King Michael turns back to her. “Yes, she is, sweet pea, just like you,” he says giving his daughter a warm smile.

  “Daddy?” she asks.

  He cups her cheek. “Yes, love,” he replies. I can see the absolute love between them, and I know in this moment that there is one hundred percent absolutely no chance the king was involved in anything that might have hurt his precious daughter.

  “I need Pete to grab a few things from the palace for me. Can I send him? Lucas can stay with me,” she says. Her words make me think that she trusts Lucas as well.

  The king nods to Pete. “Please ask the others. Victor knows what I need and will accompany you,” the king says.

  Anna looks at Pete, and he gives her the slightest nod, acknowledging that he is to keep her requested item a secret.

  “How is my father?” I ask him.

  “He’s sore, but he’ll survive. Why don’t you go visit with him? Pete can escort you to his room on his way out,” the king says.

  “Thank you. I will,” I answer. I turn at the door and look back at Anna. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “OK,” she says and blushes a little. I can see from the look on her father’s face that he suspects there’s more than a friendship between us, but he remains silent.

  Chapter Three

  I pause outside the door to my father’s hospital room.

  “I should go,” Pete says, glancing over at two armed guards that stand on either side of the door. “I think you're fine.” My father’s secretary, Gregor, sits in the hallway next to the guard. He stands.

  “Yes, thank you,” I say. Pete puts a hand on my shoulder.

  “I think you’ll do,” he says and walks away without giving an explanation.

  “Are you alright?” Gregor asks me as I step toward the door.

  “Yes, thank you,” I say to him, unsure of what else to say since I barely know the man.

  I knock on the door. Neither guard stops me or questions me.

  “Come in,” my father’s voice rings out from the other side. I push the heavy metal door open and peek inside. My father is sitting up in a bed. His foot sports a walking boot and his arm is in a cast. I can see some bruises on his cheek and other arm, but otherwise, he appears unscathed.

  There’s one large window on the far side of the room, and sunlight streams through it, deflecting the otherwise unnatural light from the fluorescents overhead. I look over and see Sten sitting in the corner, he’s fallen asleep in a recliner chair and doesn’t stir as I make my way across to the bed.

  “How are you?” my father asks.

  “I’m fine. How are you?” I reply.

  “Sore and a little banged up, but it could have been worse,” he says. His face is a mix of wanting to smile and frown at the same time. I almost laugh at the internal debate being played out physically on his face.

  He motions for me to take the seat next to the bed.

  “Any word on the others?” he asks me.

  “Lara is still in surgery. Hans is alright and is waiting in the surgical unit. Anna has a bump on her head and an injured arm, but otherwise, she’s fine. And everyone else is unhurt aside from smoke inhalation and some minor cuts and bruises,” I relay.

  “I hope Lara will be alright,” he murmurs.

  “Me too,” I agree.

  “Have you given more thought to our conversation?” he asks.

  I recall our chat from the other day.

  “I know this isn’t easy to absorb,” my father says as he takes a sip from a bottle of water. He leans forward and gazes at me intently.

  “You look so much like her,” he whispers.

  “Except for your eyes and chin,” I say.

  He nods. “How are your grandparents?” he asks.

  I give him a curious look. “I think you already know the answer to that,” I say dryly.

  “True, but I don’t know how they ‘really’ are,” he admits.

  I sigh. “They are fine. Enjoying retirement,” I say.

  “Good,” he says.

  “You’ve never met them,” I point out.

  “No. But they were important to Leah, so they are important to me,” he says.

  I tilt my head to one side. “You still love her,” I state rather than ask.

  He nods. “I’ll never stop loving her,” he states, his words resolute.

  “I see,” I say slowly.

  “Logan, I know you never pictured being a royal as your future. And I know this will take time to adjust to, but I want to get to know you, to spend time with you as a father first. I don’t expect anything from you right now. Just please, give me a chance to know you,” he pleads.

  I take in a breath and look at him, into a set of eyes that match mine. He’s my only living parent. I, at least, owe him a chance to explain and to tell me things I should know about my family.

  “Fine. We can talk…soon…” I say, trailing off as I look at him.

  “I’m not sure the hospital is the best place to chat,” I say.

  “No, I agree,” he says.